Many of our new patient members come into the Spinal Wellness Center of Ithaca due to a certain issue they …
His Pain Lasted for 40 Years….
And after coming to the Spinal Wellness Center of Ithaca, it was gone in 40 days! But enough from us, …
It Turns Out The Kids Aren’t Alright…
In 2013, Unicef completed a health report as they examined the world’s richest countries and the health of those country’s …
If you hate chiropractors, you need to read this
There is no hype or nonsense here. Just validated results such as this one from Danielle. This is NOT a …
Danielle’s First Visit
This is what it feels like after a large spinal distortion that you have had for years is corrected.
Focus, anxiety, depression, inability to breathe deeply
I can’t begin to explain the changes I have experienced with my ABC™ care. These changes, while many physical, have …