Here’s a delightful story from the other day. A 67-year old woman had been accompanying her husband to his office visits for 2 weeks, and they both have been delighted with his progress and new found capabilities.
When I asked her, “Would you like your spine evaluated some time?” she replied, ” Oh, I will just as soon as these compression fractures heal.”
“You have compression fractures in your spine?”
“Yes, at two levels, T11 and L1.”
“How long have you had them?”
“Five months.”
“FIVE MONTHS?? You’ve had these for 5 months and you are still in pain, and still can’t move freely?” I asked, incredulous.
“Yes. The doctor says I’m not ready yet, that they are not healed.”
“Well, how much longer does she think it is going to take to heal? Fractures should heal in 6 to 8 weeks. Do you mind if I take a quick look at you?”
I checked her range of motion, which was quite limited. I saw where she was bent forward, what was intact, and what was not aligned. In less than 45 seconds, with her permission, I performed two gentle moves with her standing, and then asked her to move around and check herself out.
I WISH I had a video of her face as she moved around in astonishment that the pain was gone.
I saw her for a full exam a few days later and in 2 visits she could bend from her waist the full 90 degrees. She could breathe fully and deeply, her face had excellent color and overall she looked and felt radiant.
“How long will these [apparently magical] changes last?” you may ask.
The answer? FOREVER! Unless she throws herself off in some other incident.
Yes, she had two compression fractures from which she remembers feeling the excruciating pain not five but six months earlier, and yes, the X-ray report showed advanced degenerative changes throughout her lumbar spine.
But she was in pain and restriction not from these things but from exactly what we are trained and expert at detecting and correcting: Bones out of place in a direction that the body cannot self correct, thereby forcing the body to adapt with compensatory twists. THAT what was causing her constant pain that no amount of chemicals or hand-wringing can overcome.
Every single day we get to exceed people’s expectations because very few people yet know that ABC™ technology is possible.