“My name is Loretta and I want to share my experience at the Spinal Wellness Center . I was told about the Spinal Wellness Center in Ithaca , NY , by my sister. I saw that she was having success with her treatment to her back and feet, so I thought I would give it try. I was not sure if this was the answer for me, as this was something unknown and new to me.
I have been going to a chiropractor for years, receiving some help with the pain in my low back, neck, feet and shoulders. I was in pain and discomfort in the lower back and was experiencing some swelling. My neck and shoulders were hurting and a previous foot problem had reoccurred just days prior to my first visit to the Spinal Wellness Center (I wondered if it was due to my back). By the time I made it to my first appointment my range of motion was limited, bending and walking was difficult. I just felt bad all over.
When Dr. Pierre adjusted my spine (he explained the procedure as we went along). My thought process was clearer, my range of motion was free. I could bend over with out pain and twisting my body so it would not hurt to do so.
I felt free and not heavy laden, like 150 pounds had been lifted, IN JUST ONE VISIT!!
Driving home, I felt so good, that I was almost giddy with feeling so well. I knew I needed help desperately, and found it at the Spinal Wellness Center .
No back pain, my foot was not hurting or swollen, my shoulders and neck were free of stress and tension, in just one visit. I’m just amazed!!
Side Note : Have you ever asked your self isn’t there is a better way, a way for more lasting results from your doctor. I’d like to be healed so I can feel better all the time, instead of just 1-2 days a week. Have you questioned if you could get some chiropractor help so that you would not need surgery. (With pulled muscles in your shoulder) I have wondered that many times. I believe I have found the answer at the Spinal Wellness Center in Ithaca . I am sooo glad that I was told about the Spinal Wellness Center . “