May 2010 Newsletter

Spinal Wellness Center Newsletter

Happy Spring!

We have some great stories to share with you about some of the amazing transformations happening in the office! We also have interesting articles about preventing osteoporosis, the importance of chiropractic care for kids, and the latest research about running barefoot. Check it out!


Dr. Pierre

In This Issue

  • Our Featured Practice Member: Lisa Lofgren
  • Office Success Stories
  • Use Nature’s “Glue” for Stronger Bones
  • New ABC™ website!
  • Kids and Chiropractic
  • Barefoot Running
  • Welcome New Practice Members!
  • Humor
Our Featured Practice Member: Lisa Lofgren
We are used to miracles in the office, but this one’s a doozy!
ABC AdjustmentLisa Lofgren
Lisa had neck surgery 12 years ago and her hands have been numb ever since.Check out her testimonial videos on YouTube:
Office Success Stories

Chiropractic is the largest drugless health profession in the world. It is used by the large majority of professional athletes and celebrities.

It works by removing interference from the communication lines between the brain and the body (the Nervous System). We get to see miraculous changes in people every day we practice. In addition to Lisa’s story above, here are SOME success stories of the past few weeks:

  • The 26 year-old drummer who came in with 10-plus year history of low back pain and a bunch of other health issues that he had no idea were related to his spine. He can now play drums with no limit from tense and fatigued arms and wrists (previously maxed out at 90 minutes), and his back pain is mostly gone ( this despite him being able to come in for care only sporadically).
  • The 12-year old boy with a history of terrible headaches who is now headache free and has a great healthy spine and nervous system to grow into! Yea, Mom! who didn’t let the fact that they live almost 2 hours away get in the way of getting her son healthy instead of living with an unnecessary disability.
  • The 38 year-old school administrator whose 20 years of tension headaches were gone after two weeks of care.
  • The 51 year-old business owner who had been on heavy duty pain meds for 3 years, including narcotics for the previous 7 months, who is now off all meds for the first time in YEARS. “You’ve done more for me in a few weeks than all the other doctors of the past 5 years.” [A whoooooooooooole lot cheaper, too.]
  • The 18 year old brave-hearted college student and athlete who came in with 2 YEARS of severe DAILY tension and migraine headaches. Almost completely gone, and she can sincerely smile again. She keeps getting better and better. There are now over 40 types of migraine headaches in the official medical diagnostic code book. It’s mostly useless hairsplitting by people who don’t know how to find the CAUSE of these things. In our office, we don’t label the headaches, we get to the cause and eliminate them! We have many dozens of these cases.

There are many more, but you get the picture!

This type of thing is happening in certified ABC™ offices around the English-speaking world. The science of effectively analyzing and correcting bodies is now available, but it might take another generation to become common knowledge.(see new ABC™ website given below.)

We are right here in Ithaca. Be a hero to someone you know and forward this newsletter on to him or her. Both of you will be glad you took the time to do so!

bonesUse Nature’s “Glue” for Stronger Bones

Dr. Al Sears, Jan 1, 2010

In spite of what you hear on TV, calcium supplements have little to do with the strength of your bones. Taking calcium supplements will give you a short-term boost in bone density, but that’s it. Over time, your hormones will work against the extra calcium and actually leave your bones more brittle than before.

Consider this: The U.S. has the highest intake of calcium, yet our rates of osteoporosis are the highest in the world. Countries with lower intakes of calcium have lower rates of hip fracture and osteoporosis.1
A lack of calcium isn’t why your bones become weak. Osteoporosis is caused by a number of factors. If you’re a regular reader, you know I’ve written to you about vitamin D3 and PACE-style exercise. Both are critical for strong bones and a steel-like frame. But here’s something I bet your doctor never told you: There’s a commonly overlooked vitamin that acts as a “glue” to build strong, healthy, impact-resistant bones. One Japanese study found this “glue” to be just as effective as drugs used to prevent bone fractures. In the study, women taking a 45mg dose of this “glue” only had a fracture rate of 8%. Those taking the drug Didronel had a fracture rate of 8.7%. And get this… The fracture rate in the placebo group was almost three times as high (a whopping 21%).2

Did Your Doctor Tell You About This?

Most doctors and the media still insist you pop calcium pills and drink plenty of milk.
But here’s what they usually miss: It doesn’t matter how much calcium you consume. If your body isn’t metabolizing that calcium properly, it’s not doing your bones any good. A major key in preventing osteoporosis – and even reversing it – is to simply make sure your body regulates calcium properly.

Fortunately, the solution is simple. I’m talking about vitamin K2. Vitamin K naturally comes in two forms. The first is vitamin K1. This is the type normally found in green, leafy vegetables and helps mainly with blood clotting. Vitamin K2, on the other hand, is responsible for regulating calcium.
It’s in charge of telling your body when to fuse the calcium into your bones to make them stronger and denser.

Chances Are You’re Not Getting Enough
Your bone is a complex structure. It’s composed of mineral crystals and cells that are bound together by matrix proteins. The most important of these is the calcium-regulating protein osteocalcin. It’s under vitamin K2’s control. It tells the osteocalcin proteins to go through a process called carboxylation. Once carboxylated, they can create new bone tissue.
The trouble starts when you don’t get enough K2. When levels of this critical vitamin are low, osteocalcin can’t undergo carboxylation.

The end result? It can’t glue itself to the bone and create new bone tissue. Over time, the bone becomes porous and weak, making it prone to fracture. The scary part is that it’s all too easy to be K2-deficient. That’s because it occurs in very small quantities in the diet compared to K1. Because of this, most people get 10 times more K1 in their diets than K2. The good news is, there are a few K2-rich sources of food that are accessible and cheap. I’ll share those with you in just a moment. But first, you should know that frail bones aren’t the only reason you want to make sure you’re getting adequate amounts of K2…

Osteoporosis Means Bad News for Your Heart
The connection isn’t obvious… but your bone health and heart health are linked. A team of scientists from California studied plaque tissue from arteries. Inside they found several key components that are critical to bone formation.3
Why is this important? Osteoporosis doesn’t just mean weak bones. It’s a risk factor for heart disease. See, K2 also controls another important bone-building protein known as matrix GLA-protein. Without K2, matrix GLA-protein can’t undergo the same carboxylation process that osteocalcin undergoes. New research is showing this plays a role in calcification of the arteries. For example, researchers bred mice to lack the matrix GLA-protein. The mice died within a few weeks after birth due to the unrestrained calcium deposits in their arteries.4 In humans, the effects of a lack of vitamin K2 are similar. One study followed a group of people taking the popular blood-thinning drug Coumadin (warfarin), which blocks vitamin K1 and K2. They were compared against a group not taking the drug. The findings were astonishing. Not only did those taking Coumadin suffer more bone fractures, they had two times as many calcium deposits in their heart valves and arteries.5

This Overlooked Nutrient Could Save Your Life
The evidence is overwhelming. Vitamin K2 not only protects your bones, but it’s also a potent heart-defender. This became clear in the Rotterdam Heart Study. Dutch researchers followed 4,800 participants over the course of seven years. Those with the highest levels of vitamin K2 had a 57% reduced death rate from heart disease than those who had the lowest levels. This relationship did not hold true with vitamin K1.6 What’s more, this same study found that getting enough K2 in your diet can reduce severe aortic calcification by 52% and overall mortality by 26%. With findings like these, it’s surprising vitamin K2 hasn’t gotten much press.

6 Easy Ways

to Get More of Nature’s “Glue”
You don’t need much vitamin K2 to reap the benefits. Here are a few ways to make sure you’re getting enough to keep your bones strong and your heart healthy:

1. Egg Yolks – I’ve been telling my patients for years to eat them. Eggs are not the enemy. So eat them without fear. Not only will you get a good dose of K2, but you’ll also get plenty of vitamins and nutrients. Whenever possible, choose cage-free, vegetarian-fed eggs.
2. Organ Meats – If you’ve got a taste for it, liver is an excellent choice. Personally, I love liver and onions. Make sure you get your organ meats from grass-fed, free-range cattle.
3. Natto – This ancient Japanese dish contains, by far, the highest concentrations of K2. Natto is made of soybeans that have been fermented with the bacterium Bacillus subtilis. In Japan, it’s a popular breakfast food. Some grocery stores usually carry it. But you can also check local Asian markets in your area. I must warn you though, Natto is an acquired taste.
4. Organic or Raw Whole Milk – Make sure you go organic. And if it’s possible, I would even recommend raw milk. Many states have co-ops that will sell it to you. Make sure you check your city and state laws though, as some states have made it illegal to purchase raw milk.
5. Traditionally Fermented Cheese – Two cheeses in particular have moderately high amounts of K2. Swiss Emmental and Norwegian Jarlsberg.
6. Menaquinone (MK-7) – Supplementing is always a good option. Make sure it’s the MK-7 form of vitamin K2. This is usually made out of a Natto extract. Be sure to choose a supplement that’s been extracted from non-genetically modified (non-GMO) soybeans. You can find MK-7 at your local health-food store. I recommend 45 to 90 mcg per day.



Willett W. Calcium: too much of a good thing? Report from the Harvard School of Public Health Nutrition Roundtable.
Iwamoto J, Takeda T, Ichimura S. Combined treatment with vitamin K2 and bisphosphonate in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Yonsei Med J. 2003 Oct 30;44(5):751-6.
Bostrom K, Watson KE, Horn S, et al. Bone morphogenetic protein expression in human atherosclerotic lesions. J Clin Invest. 1993 Apr;91(4):1800-9.
Luo G, Ducy P, McKee MD, et al. Spontaneous calcification of arteries and cartilage in mice lacking matrix GLA protein. Nature. 1997 Mar 6;386(6620):78-81.

Check out the New Official ABC™web site!

The official ABC™ site has been completely redone! It is set up mostly for doctors interested in learning the basis of this work, but can also work for interested practice members.

Have you ever wondered what other ABC doctors around the world are like? You get to meet 6 of them on the front page. You’ll soon see we’re not the only ones having fun changing lives!

And don’t forget

kidsKids and Chiropractic

Your chiropractor’s goal is to assist your body to regain optimal functioning by removing blockages and deep stress so that balance and harmony among your body’s systems can be restored. That is especially important for children.Throughout your children’s lifetimes – from infancy into adulthood – chiropractic care can help ensure your child’s physical and emotional health. Over a century of success in helping children regain and retain their health has made chiropractic the healthcare of choice for millions of parents and their children throughout the world.

Chiropractors are specially trained to locate and release blockages commonly caused by tiny misalignments of the structural system. These blockages (called subluxations) create dis-ease (disharmony) which can lead to lowered resistance to disease, organ malfunction, poor posture, pain, and physical and emotional illness.(1)

Chiropractors have helped babies suffering from nearly every condition imaginable: colic, vomiting, sleeping problems, tonsillitis, vision and hearing problems and many, many others. (2-4)

It is not unusual to hear parents state that since starting chiropractic care their children get sick less frequently, less severely, have less or no ear infections and take less (or no) antibiotics and other drugs. (5-7) Many conditions such as asthma and allergies have responded to chiropractic care as well. (8-9)

In addition there are reports of chiropractic care helping children suffering from autism. Some of these children have been reevaluated and later re-diagnosed as normal after chiropractic care. (10-11)


Academic PerformanceBoth clinical reports and research have reported chiropractic’s success with dyslexia, attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), lack of energy or “low mental stamina”, anxiety and behavioral problems. (12-13)

Sports Performance
Improvements in coordination and athletic ability have also been noted as a result of chiropractic care. (14-18) Chiropractors are “team doctors” for athletes in all kind of sports from tennis, swimming, golf and track-and-field to football, basketball, baseball, ice hockey, handball, rugby, soccer and Olympic and professional teams. Chiropractic care helps athletes function at their peak to maintain their “competitive edge.” (19)

Chiropractors can help prevent injury by keeping your child balanced and functioning free of spine and structural stress. Chiropractic care can prevent minor injuries from becoming major ones, without the use of drugs or surgery. (20)

If your child is suffering from any of the following, it is essential to get his/her body checked for subluxations:

Ear infections
Poor posture
Loss of hearing
Neck aches
Sore throat
Eye problems
Sinus problems
Skin disorders
Frequent colds
Poor coordination
Poor concentration
Arm, hand,
shoulder pain
Painful joints
Hip, leg, foot pain
Vision problems
Sinus conditions
Breast-feeding difficulties
Skin conditions

Chiropractic care for children makes a big difference no matter what their age. Keep your children healthy, ensure their natural self-healing ability functions at its peak and help them grow into their physical and emotional potential with chiropractic.

1. Al-Jishi A, Sreekantaswamy. Dystonia associated with atlantoaxial subluxation
. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2000;102(4):233-235.
2. Gutman G. The atlas fixation syndrome in the baby and infant.
Manuelle Medizin. 1987;25:5-10.
3. Klougart N, Nilsson N, Jacobsen J. Infantile colic treated by chiropractors: a prospective study of 316 cases.
JMPT. 1989;12:281-288.
4. Van Loon M. Colic with projectile vomiting: a case study.
J of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics. 1998;3(1):207-210.
5. van Breda WM, van Breda JM. A comparative study of the health status of children raised under the health care models of chiropractic and allopathic medicine.
Journal of Chiropractic Research. 1989;5:101-103.
6. Not vocalizing well. Absence of T-cells, immune dysfunction, has colds all the time.
International Chiropractic Pediatric Association newsletter. November 1996.
7. Bofshever H. Case history.
International Chiropractic Pediatric Association newsletter. Nov/Dec 1999.
8. Hunt JM. Upper cervical chiropractic care of a pediatric patient with asthma: a case study.
Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics. 2000;5(1):318-321.
9. Graham RL, Pistolese RA. An impairment rating analysis of asthmatic children under chiropractic care.
JVSR. 1997;1(4):41-48.
10. Aguilar AL, Grostic JD, Pfleger B. Chiropractic care and behavior in autistic children.
Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics. 2000;5(1):293-304.
11. Amalu WC. Autism, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, strabismus and illness susceptibility: a case study in chiropractic management.
Today’s Chiropractic. Sept/Oct 1998;32-47.
12. Mathews MO. Pilot study on the value of applied kinesiology in helping children with learning disabilities
. Journal of the New Zealand Register of Osteopaths. 1993;6:21-23.
13. Ferreri CA, Wainwright RB.
Breakthrough for dyslexia and learning disabilities. Author: Exposition Press of Florida, Inc. 1986.
14. Giesen JM, Center DB, Leach RA. An evaluation of chiropractic manipulation as a treatment of hyperactivity in children.
JMPT. 1989;12:353-363.
15. Walton EV. Chiropractic effectiveness with emotional, learning and behavioral impairments.
International Review of Chiropractic. 1975;29:2-5,21-22.
16. Gorman RF.
Chiropractic Medicine For Rejuvenation Of The Mind. Australia: Academy of Chiropractic Medicine. 1983.
17. Gibbons PF, Gosling CM, Holmes M. The short-term effects of cervical manipulation on edge light pupil cycle time: a pilot study.
JMPT. 2000;23(7):465-469.
18. Carrick FR. Changes in brain function after manipulation of the cervical spine.
JMPT. 1997;20(8):529-545.
19. Athens N.
Chiropractic Achievers. Nov/Dec 1989;38.
20. Haldeman S. Spinal manipulative therapy in sports medicine.
Clinics in Sports Medicine. 1986;5:277.

Barefoot Running: knee

How humans ran comfortably and safely before the invention of shoes. A nice article from Harvard U.

Welcome to our New Practice Members from February and March!

Amanda W.

– Referred by Alana M.

John P.- Ithaca, NY

Nycki R. – Venice Center, NY

Didi H.- Ithaca, NY

Andrew H.

– Referred by Didi H.

Anna K.

– Referred by Roy H.

Sam R

. – Referred by Christine R.

Todd C. – Painted Post, NY

Paul T. – Trumansburg, NY
Anna P.

– Referred by Alex P.

Francine D.Alpine, NY

Yvonne P. –

Referred by Anna P.

Dana H. –

Referred by Francine D.

Luke M. – Brooktondale, NY
Dave K. –

Referred by Marty K.

Samantha F. – Ithaca, NY
Lisa L. –

Referred by Mike L.

Katerina L.

– Referred by Alana M.

Anna B.

– Referred by Abby A.

We reach the public through referrals from great practice members like YOU!

pierre-gremaudSincerely, Pierre Gremaud, DC
Spinal Wellness Center
Humor: some fun facts:“Stewardesses” is the longest word typed with only the left hand.”Lollipop” is the longest word typed with your right hand.No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange,
silver, or purple.’Dreamt’ is the only English word that ends in the letters ‘mt’.Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose
and ears never stop growing.

The sentence, ‘The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog’
uses every letter of the alphabet.

The words ‘racecar,’ ‘kayak’ and ‘level’ are the same whether
they are read left to right or right to left. (palindromes).

There are only four words in the English language which end
in ‘dous’: tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous.

There are two words in the English language that have all
five vowels in order: ‘abstemious’ and ‘facetious.’

TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the
letters only on one row of the keyboard.

A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.

A ‘jiffy’ is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second.

An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.

February, 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to
have a full moon.

Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors

Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite!

Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.

The average person’s left hand does 56% of the typing.

The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a
radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.

There are more chickens than people in the world.